Today I'd like to compare two similar and effective crystals that will elevate and protect you on your spiritual journey. They are clear quartz and Herkimer, or "diamond" quartz.
Clear quartz is one of the best starter crystals you can have. You can replace any crystal with clear quartz during rituals or spells, or meditation. It is an amplifier, provides protection, and calls upon your psychic powers for growth and expansion.
Herkimer diamonds are quartz by classification. They have tremendous clarity, thus the name "diamond". Similar to clear quartz, it stimulates your psychic abilities, as well as protects you from negativity and low vibrations. I particularly use it alongside other power stones like Malachite or Moldavite for a more transformative experience.
For this meditation, I recommend two clear quartz mini pointed towers. Get comfortable and grab your towers. The tower in the right hand will be pointed towards you, and the tower in the left hand will be pointed away in the opposite direction. Close your eyes, envision you're surrounded by a soft white aura. Holding your hands out with the crystals in hand, begin to focus a circular field of energy coming in through your right and cycling out your left. Feel the energy flow, pushing out the negativity and pulling in the positive and enlightenment. This should last 2 to 3 minutes. Don't forget to cleanse and charge your crystals when you're done.
I highly recommend utilizing Herkimer by incorporating it into wearable jewelry. I also would recommend adding something in combination with it to amplify its power. Because Moldavite can be so expensive and inaccessible, I highly recommend using Malachite as a perfect substitute. My suggestion is to wire wrap the stones and add them to a necklace. Copper wire makes for better flow of energy, but any wire or type of strand is fine. You can meditate with it, wear it all day, charge it all night, but it's the best tool for manifesting.
Eclectic Practitioner
